MyMemory TM Connector

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The MyMemory project is a central repository of public and private TMs. It exposes a web API and can provide MT fall-back translations when no good matches are found. You can find more information about MyMemory here:

This connector accesses a remote server and make your source text available to, no translation is sent to You must also respect's Terms of Service.

Note that results coming from MT through the MyMemory connector have a score set by MyMemory, not the default MT score many other connectors have.


Key — (optional) Private translation memory key, allows to return matches from your private TM. You can generate a key here:

Provide also machine translation result — (optional) Set this option if you want the results to include a fall back to a machine translation proposal if no proper match is found in the TM.

Send email address — (optional) Send an email address. This allows to have more quota, details on usage limits here:


  • The MyMemory query API does not support inline codes, the connector strips them from the content before querying MyMemory and adds them back at the end of the returned match. A 1% penalty is also subtracted from the returned score if the source has inline codes. For example if you query "This is a <b>simple</b> test." where "<b>" and "</b>" are inline codes, you would get something like this: "Il s'agit d'un simple test<b></b>"
  • Results from machine translation may contain HTML/XML entities (like &#39; for apostrophe) this is a bug in MyMemory which returns the MT matches sometimes escaped, sometimes not escaped.